Discover Personalized Education
Canada Global Academy's Micro-school Partnership / Franchise Program
What are Micro-schools?
Embark on a journey into the innovative realm of micro-schools – where the conventional boundaries of education fade, and a personalized learning adventure awaits. Picture a tapestry of education, finely woven to cater to individual needs, resembling more an artisanal creation than the assembly-line uniformity of traditional schools.
Micro schools are a new and growing alternative in K12 education that provide a personalized learning environment for students in a small, close-knit setting.
In the micro-school landscape, classes are intimate gatherings, fostering a sense of community akin to a close-knit family. Imagine a canvas where the brushstrokes of learning are tailored to each student’s unique palette, creating a masterpiece of knowledge and growth. Micro-schools redefine the educational narrative, offering an alternative that is not just about imparting information but sculpting the minds of tomorrow.
These can be operated by independent “micro-school” owners under our School Partnership model, leveraging our all-in-one, award winning digital learning platform and Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum
Key Similarities to our Private School Partners
Key Differences from our Private School Partners
- Typically enroll less than 15 students per group/gradened to Ontario Ministry of Education
- Owners would not need traditional private school building infrastructure - may operate in smaller home or office-based environments (i.e., home based, learning centres, rented spaces)
- Can be one primary instructor or a group
- Parents often play a more involved role in governance and activities
- Lower over-all operating expenses